Thunder Russell Westbrook & Kevin	Durant Wear Funky Post Game Outfits

Thunder Russell Westbrook & Kevin Durant Wear Funky Post Game Outfits

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Now with the understanding that fashion has changed and the youth today dress crazy as it is, you would think millionaires would be a little more fashion savoy….Wrong.

After game one against the Lakers Russell Westbrook addressed the media in some red frames and a shirt you would were your uncle wear.

Following game two Kevin Durant sat in front of the press dressed down in a white assemble more appropriate for Miami Vice.

But perhaps the confidence they have with their wardrobe is indicative if the confidence they have in the court. I mean if your willing to mimic Sally Jessy Rapheal with your style you have to be fearless right?

Nonetheless, they need their performance to mimic their good looks in game 4 if the hope maintain the lead they hold in the series. Both Durant and Westbrook had off games and if they expect to send the Lakers home they both need to play up to their all star potential.


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