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Tears in my Henne

Chad Henne has a long road to tow ahead of him. The season hasn’t started and he’s already been booed by his fans at training camp and had them chanting the name Kyle Orton as he stood on the sideline. But that isn’t the story, Chad Henne said to the media that the boos and chants of Kyle Orton got under his skin. No, no, no; as the starting quarterback you can’t admit that the fans rattled you. I understand that you may not like them chanting someone else’s name, but you never let them see you sweat. You keep doing your thing and show them that you’re the guy, not cry and whine to the media. Up until this point I had been a supporter of Henne that he needed more time to show whether he was the guy or not. Now, ship him out there, do whatever it takes to get Kyle Orton down to Miami. The Dolphins may be the biggest head case in the AFC East. You have Brandon Marshall who has borderline personality disorder, and now Chad ‘I cry tears in my’ Henne. The Dolphins will be prime to finish last in the AFC East.

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