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Brandon Jacobs Treats Young Fan to Chuckie Cheese

After Brandon Jacobs was released by the New York Giants 6 year old fan Joseph Armento decided to make his best attempt to have his favorite stay on his favorite team. After his mom explained to him Jacobs was leaving because of money, he emptied out his piggy bank and sent the tailback his last $3.36.

Upon receiving the gesture, he promised to lil Joseph and told him, he would take him and his 4 year old brother with him and his own son Brayden to Chuckie Cheese.

Mom Julie Armento told The Sacremento Bee how much the boys enjoyed their day with Jacobs;

“He told me he really wanted to get out there with the kids, he really wanted to enjoy it, and he did. It was amazing. When we first spoke, he said that he was genuinely touched by the letter, that it almost brought him to tears. He said it came at just the right time for him.”

49er Jacob cited the letter as a form of motivation, and something that boosted his own confidence;

“I’m at a point in my career when people have stopped believing in me and not believing that I can still play. But that’s not the case. Joe believes in me, gave me a lot of confidence and a lot of want-to. And I’m ready to go. I can’t wait until the season starts.”

While the Jacobs and the kids ended up going to a bounce house in New Jersey, the young Armentos will have a story they can tell forever. Along with that Jacobs gave them a signed helmet and $5 to put in his piggy bank.

No matter what you may think of the football player Brandon Jacobs is, that was a pretty cool thing to do for a young fan. Many times we label players from their play on the field and actions like this get forgotten and that there’s more to the sports than just the game.

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